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Yesterday i saw a movie called "The FALL" and after seeing it i still wonder how come i haven't found it before (since it appears it was already released(?) in 2006). It seems i have liked it so badly that i actually decided to drop a short note about it here. To be honest it is still haunting me :)

The Fall is one of the movies that you can't compare to any other. The movie was filmed in 28 different countries across the world for about 4 years and regarding what i have read the director spent his own money to finally realize it. The imaginery, photos, painting, music is a really gorgeus i can't even find a proper words to describe it. I even have no idea if the landscapes were real or just generated by computers. I should speak about the plot here but I don't want to spoil your potencial fun.

It is surely not a movie for everyone, but why not to give it a try?

1) Official trailer
2) Official movie website

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